The 2010 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice in Louisville Metro, KY found that our community remains highly segregated by race, income and family status. Civil rights and equal protection laws of the 1960s created a basis for greater fairness, yet their passage could not undo the longstanding separations and inequalities in residential patterns that have been present since Louisville’s earliest days.

The Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission, in partnership with MHC and the University of Louisville Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research,  is developing a new project –Making Louisville Home for Us All- A 20-Year Action Plan for Fair Housing.   This Fair Housing Action Plan, funded by the US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD),  aims to offer a fuller understanding of how our current housing problems came to be, and develop clear action steps that take that history into account. We will outline a concrete vision with action steps for Louisville to become a fair, welcoming, and diverse home to all of its people.

Download this flyer to learn more about Making Louisville A Home for Us All: A 20-Year Action Plan for Fair Housing.

Click here to see a Powerpoint presentation on Making Louisville Home for Us All- A 20-Year Action Plan for Fair Housing. It also addresses the historic legacies of segregation and the policies that supported it.

We appeal to elected officials, policymakers, social service providers, educators, housing advocates and ordinary Louisvillians in every walk of life to work together toward greater housing opportunities for all. Here are some preliminary action steps we propose:

  • Conduct a city-wide education campaign about what fair housing is, and why it is important.
  •  Change the Land Development Code for Louisville Metro and all other cities in Jefferson County to permit multi-family housing to occur in what are now single-family only areas, including incentives in land use to make the housing financially feasible.
  • Prepare for, welcome and work with our growing number of immigrant and International neighbors.
  • INSERT YOUR IDEA HERE! Yes, we want to hear from YOU!
What are your ideas for meeting the housing needs of all Louisville residents over the next 20 years?

Send an email to  Tell us:

  • What do you think are the top three barriers to fair housing choice in Louisville?
  • What are your recommended action steps to improve fair housing choice in Louisville?

Think big, think small, think creatively!

MHC also asks you to take action now!

Download and print this postcard to send to your Louisville Metro Councilperson

The card asks your Metro Councilperson to support changes to the Land Development Code that increase opportunities for multi-family housing and smaller lot sizes and that allow increased density in residential use of land.  The changes can help increase housing choice throughout our community.

We're here as a resource, so how can we help you make an impact?