Meet Gentille, our Assistant Director.

In July 2022, Gentille Ntakarutimana became Assistant Director of the Metropolitan Housing Coalition (MHC). Prior to joining the MHC , Gentille worked for 7 years as Program Director for Tuvugane in Louisville, KY. A daughter of Burundian refugees, Gentille’s interest in advocacy began when she realized the struggles immigrants and refugee families underwent trying to get basic necessities such as food, housing and education. Gentille’s passion for American politics, Social causes and the Nonprofit sector were shaped during her time in undergraduate at the University of Kentucky. There she double majored in psychology and sociology with a focus in the American legal system and African American studies. In college, she actively served as a student advocate, volunteered with state and local campaigns in Lexington, and regularly participated or was a board member in student-led organizations.
Gentille moved to Louisville in 2022 and is actively seeking knowledge about her new society and ways she can help. She is currently involved with the World affairs council, continues to help with Tuvuagne and hopes to continue being active in more nonprofits in Louisville Kentucky. She resides in Jeffersonville just a 5-minute drive away from downtown Louisville, and welcomes anyone who wants to meet and exchange knowledge.

We're here as a resource, so how can we help you make an impact?