Louisville Metro Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP): Evolution & Impact 2009-2012 discusses the history and outcomes of the Louisville Metro HPRP. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (or Stimulus Package) included $1.5 billion for HPRP. Louisville Metro received $4,870,830 in a 3-year grant for this program.

HPRP offered its participants two types of rental assistance, “homelessness prevention” and “rapid re-housing.” Homelessness prevention provided rental subsidies to tenants at risk of eviction due to their inability to pay rent in full. This allowed them to remain in their existing homes. The rapid-rehousing program provided rent, and, moving costs, and/or security deposit subsidies that enabled recipients to locate new rental housing. HPRP also provided clients with case management services designed to help them become self-sufficient. Some of the case management funds supported legal services and referrals to households facing eviction hearings in court.

The report summarizes the history of the program in Louisville, including important changes made after the first year to improve the program’s efficacy. The report also discusses client outcomes, including stories about three individual clients’ experiences with HPRP. The report finds that HPRP was a Successful Recovery Act Intervention with lasting impacts that helped 2,069 Louisville households hurt by the recession.

HPRP: Evolution & Impact 2009-2012 was prepared by Louisville Urban League in partnership with the Louisville Metro Department of Community Services & Revitalization (CSR). MHC researched and wrote the report for LUL.

The October 30, 2012 public forum for the report’s release featured: Ben Richmond and Christie McCravy of LUL; Viginia Peck and Joe Hamilton of CSR; and Cathy Hinko and Curtis Stauffer of MHC.  Roger Leonard of the US Department of Housing & Urban Development also briefly spoke about the importance of the HPRP program and the lessons learned.

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